Monday, January 17, 2011

Soal Ujian Akhir Semester IPA 5

Diposkan oleh Min miN RiN di 11:44 AM
Today my friends and I had Final Semester Exam, and this morning we had finish the first exam, that is IPA 5. Ah...ottoke... There are 3 question but I can't complete it. T,T
Here are the questions.
1. Make the integration work sheet by Inquiry approach and give an explain!
2. If there is a theme "global warming", so
    a. Make a discuss guided in science integration by cooperative learning with Jigsaw and NHT type.
    b. What different of that two types in the learning?
3. Base Competence:
    2.2 Describe the transformation energy and nutrition achievement process on the green plant
    5.6 Investigate the pressure on the solid, liquid, and gas and their application in daily life
   Make a theme of integrated science and plan your learning by inquiry-discovery approach...!!

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